- This Society shall be called ‘THE GROOMBRIDGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY and membership shall be open to anyone.
- The object to the Society shall be to promote public interest in, and to encourage horticulture by offering prizes for local and general competitions at exhibitions, and in such other manner as may appear desirable, e.g. lectures and meetings.
- The Society shall consist of members paying annual subscriptions of not less than £3.
- The Officers of the Society shall consist of President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretaries, who shall be ex-officio members of all committees.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at such time and place as may be fixed by the General Committee to receive and approve the Annual Report, to pass the Audited Accounts, to elect the General Committee and officers for the ensuing year, and to transact any other General Business.
- The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a General Committee, five members to form a quorum. The Committee may fill any vacancy that may occur during the year.
- All subscriptions shall become due in January each year and must be paid by 31st March. Any member failing to pay by this date may not exhibit during that year. This does not apply to new members.