Programme for 2022

All events take place at the Groombridge Village Hall

January Thursday 20th
7.15pm A.G.M. in the Club Room
8pm in the New Hall – Speaker evening
Dr Hugh Pritchard from the Millennium Seed Bank at Wakehurst speaking on Seeds, Science & Society

February Thursday 17th
8pm in the Main Hall - Speaker evening
Kevin Tooher, Radio Kent Sunday Gardening guest expert, speaking on Successional Planting

March Thursday 10th
8pm in the New Hall - Speaker evening
Jacqueline Aviolet speaking on Hardy Geraniums (plants available to buy)

April Saturday 2nd
2.30pm in the Main Hall
The Spring Show

May Saturday 14th
9am to 12noon outside the Village Hall
The Spring Plant Sale

June Thursday 23rd (to be confirmed)
Coach trip to Godinton House & Gardens

September Saturday 10th
2.30pm in the Main Hall
The Autumn Show

October Saturday 1st
9am until 12noon outside the Village Hall
The Autumn Plant Sale

October Thursday 20st
8pm in the New Hall, Graham Blunt from Plantbase in Wadhurst speaking on Exotics

November Thursday 17th
8pm in the Main Hall
Christmas floral demonstration by Trudie Easton